
2023 May– The light makes my life Casa Luzzati Palazzo Ducale – Genova Italy

2021 April – of Dead Sea Life– Arad Community center ISRAEL 

2020 June – TOP PHOTOGRAPHER WINNER of Dead Sea Life International competition  The Exhibition will be in 2021 April– Dead ISRAEL 

2020 September – Street Photography – Hinterland Gallery  – VIENNA

2018 May – Israeli Art Exhibition for HIV – ” Bank Hapoalim “ – TEL AVIV

2018 8 March- 11 May Peace 70  exhibition – Sagamore Hotel – MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA

2017 7 October – 9 October Passage to Israel exhibition – HAIFA FILM FESTIVAL

2017 1 August – 30 August Passage to Israel exhibition – JAFFA SALON OF ART  – JAFFA TEL AVIV

2017 18 June – 18 July Passage to Israel exhibition – JERUSALEM THEATRE  – JERUSALEM 

2017 27 April – 15 May Passage to Israel exhibition – ART PERFORMING CENTER – ARIEL

2017 19TH APRIL – LA fotografia come espressione – ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI CULTURA TEL AVIV | Ambasciata d’Italia in Israele 

2017 6 April – 30 May Passage to Israel exhibition – THE BROWNSTONE – NEW YORK CITY

2017 Febraury – Israeli Art Exhibition for HIV – ” Bank Hapoalim “ – TEL AVIV

2016 17 November – 2017 6 January  Passage to Israel exhibition – ANDERSON CONTEMPORANY – 180 Maiden Lane NEW YORK CITY

2016 21 April – 31 November– OVLAC GALLERY– TEL AVIV 

2016 February – Israeli Art Exhibition for HIV IMAGINATION 2016– ” Bank Hapoalim “ – TEL AVIV

15TH JULY 2015 – 2TH NOVEMBER 2015 -THE SOUND OF TEL AVIV – Felicija Blumental Museum – TEL AVIV 

From YNET. Interview about my exposition by Amit Cotler

27 April 2015 exhibition at Chiostri della Umanitaria for the 67 anniversary of Israel – MILANO 

2015 Febraury – Israeli Art Exhibition for HIV – ” Bank Hapoalim ” – TEL AVIV


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